Nintendo Switch 6.2.0 Hacks! Atmosphere 0.8.0 released!

As I said from my previous post about Nintendo Switch Hacks  that the latest Nintendo Switch update FW6.2.0 block all the custom firmware with a different mechanism keys but not for too long! yesterday Atmosphere was updated to the newest version which are available for Nintendo Switch latest firmware 6.2.0!

Atmosphere custom firmware for fusee-galee vulnerable Nintendo Switch consoles by SciresM. TuxSH and hexkyz.

So to download the Atmosphere 0.8.0 click the link down below and install it on your Nintendo Switch. P/s : Make sure to avoid connecting to internet if you don't want to get banned! as I said on my previous post do this at your own risk! Happy hacking guys!

Download Atmosphere 0.8.0 :

Click here to download
